Make medical cannabis legal now!

Join us at this rally and protest march, calling for safe legal access to affordable, quality medicinal cannabis. A health issue should not be a crime. Make it legal now!
The Medical Cannabis March Facebook page
Three reasons to join us on The Medical March, Sat 23rd April:
1. New Zealanders urgently need safe legal access to medical cannabis. While the rest of the world moves towards more compassionate approaches, the NZ Government seems intend on making the process as difficult, and expensive, as it can – seemingly so it can deter applications and then claim no one wants it anyway. We need to put patients first, and let doctors, not politicians, decide.
2. This is a big THANK YOU for Helen Kelly and all the work she has done to raise awareness of this issue. Helen’s application to use a medical cannabis product approved in the USA was declined by Ass. Health minister Peter Dunne. Let’s put pressure on these heartless politicians to put compassion first.
3. Polling shows most New Zealanders want safe legal access to medical cannabis, including a recent UMR poll showing 72% support (and only 13% opposed). While cannabis activists and medical patients are NOT being arrested for speaking out, most people still keep their support quiet out of a fear of being busted or somehow losing their job or social standing. Evil flourishes when good people do nothing. Add your voice to those supporting safe legal access to a medicine that can help sick and terminally ill people. It’s time to stand up and show your support!
Meet in Aotea Square around High Noon. We’ll do some rallying around 1pm, then set off down Queen Street. We are exercising our democratic right to peacefully assemble and protest an unjust law.
This is a SMOKEFREE event, bring the family.
You can help:
Spread the word – like and share this event on your social networks. Invite your friends in real life too!
Make a donation on the day to help cover our costs.
Volunteer to be a crowd marshal.
Bring a sign, banner or wear a pro-reform t shirt.
Know your rights – read this:
Dress to impress.
Turn up!
Supported by:
Medical Cannabis Advocacy NZ
It’s Medicine http://
Unite Union
Socialist Aotearoa
The Medical Cannabis March is on Facebook
UPDATE: Medical cannabis rallies are now also taking place the same day in Nelson and Dunedin!