NORML New Zealand is calling on all 2500 people charged for cannabis in Operation National to enter Not Guilty or No Plea at every court appearance to clog the court system.
NORML vice-president Abe Gray said that if the 2500 people refused to plead guilty, cannabis prohibition would become unworkable immediately.
“By pleading Not Guilty they will have a greater chance of avoiding jail and challenging the validity of police searches,” he said.
“The public is waking up to the evils of prohibition and the fact that growing a plant is never a real crime.”
NORML are calling on Juries made up of their peers to nullify these charges.
“Nullification is an ancient common-law right for the public to deal with unjust laws,” Mr Gray said.
“If the authorities can ban one medical plant they can ban any medical plant, it’s a dangerous path to go down.
“It is stated in the Book of Genesis that human kind shall have ‘all seed bearing plants for their use'”.