Campaign Priorities
Information about medicinal cannabis:
- NZ Drug Foundation: New survey results show legal cannabis a real possibility
- NZ Herald: New poll shows big jump in support for cannabis reform, especially for medicinal use
- Stuff: Growing number of Kiwis want cannabis law reform
- Newshub: Support for legalising cannabis getting higher – NZ Drug Foundation
- TVNZ: Ninety per cent of New Zealanders support decriminalisation of medical cannabis, says Drug Foundation
- What would Helen Kelly do?
- NORML’s 4-point model for patient-focused policy
- NORML’s guide to writing an effective submission.
Police still prosecuting “Green Fairies” who provide medicinal cannabis.
Stop the arrests! We’re calling for a Cannabis Armistice.
Legal status of Cannabidiol (CBD)
New regulations for cannabidiol take effect from 7 September 2017. CBD will remain a controlled drug however restrictions be lifted so that GPs and other doctors can prescribe CBD to patients without needing special approval.
- Full text of Peter Dunne’s announcement
- NORML’s guide to the legal status of Cannabidiol
- Cannabidiol to remain a controlled drug: here’s what is changing
- Changes announced by Govt will make little difference, says NORML
- Specialists to prescribe medicinal cannabis products under Govt proposal
NZ Drug Foundation releases “Whakawātea te Huarahi – A model drug law to 2020 and beyond” [Download PDF]. What do you think?
For the latest cannabis news see our Facebook page or Twitter feed
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Polls confirm most NZers want cannabis law reform
Support for cannabis law reform continues to increase, with the latest UMR poll showing overwhelming support for medicinal cannabis law change – and the lowest level of opposition (12%) ever recorded in a New Zealand cannabis poll. A Drug Foundation-Curia poll in August 2016 also found two-thirds of Kiwis want to end criminal penalties for cannabis possession, and up to 82% support for medical use. Other recent polls include a TVNZ poll (12 April 2016) showing “the majority of New Zealanders are now in favour of the use of medical marijuana”; UMR poll (31 March 2016) showing 72% “support the use of marijuana for medical purposes” with only 13% opposed. Read more NZ cannabis opinion polls here.

Medicinal cannabis – what you need to know
Check out our section on medicinal cannabis. NORML is New Zealand’s oldest law reform organisation, and one of our three primary goals is to facilitate safe legal access for patients using cannabis medicinally.
How to bring medicinal cannabis into New Zealand, legally
As Australia prepares to approve medicinal cannabis products, an important legal case has confirmed patients can bring a one-month supply from any country where it has been legally supplied. Rebecca Reider has written a guide explaining how to bring medicinal cannabis into New Zealand, legally – UPDATED DEC 2016.
Cannabis Utensils law review
Bongs, pipes and vaporisers reduce harm from smoking, but have been banned for sale in New Zealand since 1999. Submissions are open now on a proposed law change. A new NZ Ministry of Health discussion document proposes amending current laws and regulations to reduce the impact of criminality and to control the availability of drug utensils including cannabis bongs, pipes and vaporisers. Have your say here, by Tuesday 20 September 2016.
Cannabis in New Zealand
Cannabis is the third most popular recreational drug in New Zealand (behind only alcohol and tobacco), and has been used by nearly 2 million Kiwis. According to government surveys, around 540,000 New Zealanders smoke pot regularly, while 70,000 light up every day despite harsh laws against its use. Our public policies should reflect this reality, not deny it. NORML’s mission is to move public opinion sufficiently to legalise the responsible use of cannabis by adults, and to serve as an advocate for consumers to assure they have access to high quality cannabis that is safe, convenient and affordable.