Stage three of the cannabis Armistice Tour kicks off on Wednesday, August 11 and will cover the entire country before a hikoi to Parliament on Armistice Day, November 11.
Dakta Green, founder of Auckland’s cannabis club The Daktory, will be driving Maryjane the Cannabus, along with an entourage of support vehicles in a three month tour commencing at 11:00 am with a ceremony beneath the lighthouse at Cape Reinga on Wednesday.
“We will visit every electorate Member of Parliament office in the country and talk with MP’s about the harms that criminalisation causes for ordinary New Zealanders,” said Dakta Green. “We are also going to talk with as many New Zealanders as possible and ask them for their views on cannabis and the law.”
The Armistice Tour will conclude at Parliament at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month following a march to Parliament.
Download and sign the Armistice Agreement here
“We will discuss this issue with everyone, in every part of the country. It makes no difference whether they have or haven’t used cannabis; the current law impacts us all.” “Whether it’s someone whose family member gets arrested or the taxpayer who has to shoulder the costs of policing cannabis and putting people in prison – every citizen of this country is affected by a policy that doesn’t work.”
Dakta Green pointed out that the recent Police raids on gardening supply shops code-named Operation Lime could lead to significant number of people going to prison in the near future. “250 people were arrested in that operation,” Dakta Green said. “It costs $1800 per week to keep someone behind bars. That’s a huge financial burden to the State simply because someone was caught growing a little weed for themselves or their friends.”
“The spiraling cost of prohibition alone should give all Members of Parliament good reason to listen to the people and immediately stop arresting people for cannabis,” Dakta Green concluded.
More information: http://thedaktory.org.nz
also at http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO1008/S00118/cannabis-armistice-tour-kicks-off.htm